Saturday, January 29, 2011

1970 Raleigh Chopper 10 Speed

My quest for a Raleigh Chopper came to end last night thanks to my friend Steve. I have been looking for a Chopper for quite some time now and only in my wildest dreams could I have imagined getting a 10 speed but miracles do happen I guess lol. My friend picked this bike up Thursday afternoon from a friend of his, and then sold it to me last night in what had to be one of the fastest flips of a bike ever. I had some money put aside from selling a few bikes so when my friend called me at 8pm last night and said if you want the bike come and get it before I change my mind...I ran to my car and headed out to Long Island, and even the falling snow couldn't stop me.

Friday, January 28, 2011


This Swingbike is a CT Craigslist find. I spoke to the seller and we agreed on a price so I jumped in the car and headed up to CT. When I got there it turned out the seller was the original owner of the bike so we spent some time chatting and he told me some stories about the bike and how he got it as a kid etc. Cool bike, and a cool day spent chatting with the bikes original owner.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

10 Speed Sears Spyder 24"

I bought a tire off ebay for one of my bikes and drove out to the guys house to pick it up since he was fairly local. He took me into his garage and I saw this bike hanging from the ceiling and instantly new I had to have it, so after some heated negotiating I loaded it in my car along with the tire and headed home. All I did was clean it up with some elbow grease and here it is...100% original.